(English version read below)
Recibí este CD gracias a un amigo canadiense que tengo en Facebook. Son un quinteto de Calgary (Canadá), tenemos diez temas de pura agresión y energía. Tocan una suerte de thrash con fuertes influencias de crossover, aunque puedo advertir cosas de hardcore por allí. Casi 25 minutos de intensidad, riffs veloces y un sonido bien "old school". Crystal Mess toca las canciones de un modo tal que uno no puede decir que suenan similar a otras bandas de las que los influyeron, pero si te copa D.R.I., Cryptic Slaughter, y el thrash de los ochentas, dale para adelante con estos Canadienses.
Calificación: 8/10

I did receive this CD thanks to a Canadian friend that I have on Facebook. They are a five piece from Calgary (Canada), and here we have ten tracks of pure agression and energy. They play a sort of thrash with strong crossover influences, and I can hear hardcore things also. Almost 25 minutes of true intensity, speedy riffs, and old school sound. If you can play this CD non stop, do it!. "House Of Hell", "Fuck Work" and "Rat River" are my favorite tunes. Crystal Mess play this songs in a way that you can not talk about they sound very similar to another bands that influenced them, but if you like D.R.I., Cryptic Slaughter, and thrash of the eighties, go for this Canadians!
Rate: 8/10
I did receive this CD thanks to a Canadian friend that I have on Facebook. They are a five piece from Calgary (Canada), and here we have ten tracks of pure agression and energy. They play a sort of thrash with strong crossover influences, and I can hear hardcore things also. Almost 25 minutes of true intensity, speedy riffs, and old school sound. If you can play this CD non stop, do it!. "House Of Hell", "Fuck Work" and "Rat River" are my favorite tunes. Crystal Mess play this songs in a way that you can not talk about they sound very similar to another bands that influenced them, but if you like D.R.I., Cryptic Slaughter, and thrash of the eighties, go for this Canadians!
Rate: 8/10
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