(English review please read below)

Hay tomas excelentes, como la estadía en Malta, la recorrida de una ex prisión histórica, en donde la banda tocó – creo – en una de las entradas. Hermosas tomas de Italia, Turquía e Israel, con los músicos – pese al cansancio – muy interesados en ver los hermosos paisajes, el océano bien azul, y la arquitectura de cada lugar. “Global Evisceration” en eso gana, tiene cosas que nunca vimos en otros DVD, y siguen dándole mucha bola a sus fans. Hay bonuses de todos los colores y al compartir fechas de festivales con otros músicos aparecen amigos deathmetaleros como integrantes de Megadeth y Exodus. Uno de los puntos altos de este trabajo es que en un festival incluído en este tour justo tocaba antes Six Feet Under y luego Cannibal. Corpse Alex Webster, Rob Barrett y Paul Mazurkiewicz se mandan con cámara y todo a saludarlo a su ex compañero Chris Barnes (Con muy buena onda), el cual les devuelve los saludos bastante parcamente y acaso "sorprendido", lo cual deja cierta duda si entre ellos estaba todo tan bien como parecía mostrar el documental “Centuries Of Torment”. El DVD se cierra con mensajes de los fans de los países europeos que visitaron por primera vez. Estos tipos tienen cuerda para rato, mientras se suceden los créditos salen las fechas de los 40 países (Argentina incluída, estuvieron en Febrero del año pasado, antes de arrancar el ala europea en la que se centra el DVD) y cinco continentes que visitaron entre el 2009 y 2010. No se pierdan este DVD sean o no fans de los caníbales.
Calificación: 10/10
The Buffalo quintet always releases excellent DVDs, so I bought one as soon as I heard about it. Basically this time we have a mixture of two live performances from that tour (one at the Gothic Theater, Englewood, Colorado, and the other at The Sunshine Theater, Albuquerque, New Mexico) mixed with the last part of the European tour, 2010 which had its peculiarities: the inclusion of countries where the band had never been before like Malta, Turkey to name two. Far be it from a robbery to "Flight 666" by Iron Maiden, there are many shots of the musicians during flights that carried them from one place to another in the old continent. In that sense, they win tremendously to Sam Dunn film, as 70% of the shots are made by the same musicians with cameras, helped by the tour manager plus their own leads and a sense of realism is unmatched.
You can see Alex Webster asleep from exhaustion while waiting to board a flight, Pat O'Brien lying on the floor resting before a sound check break ... it is showed successfully how tiring it is to address a tour as well, travels, hotels, sound checks, some leisure time, shows, and so on with the tight schedule which is narrated by the musicians without hassle and assuming that the cost of dealing with such a grueling tour.
In fact, at times the faces of the five musicians show a tremendous fatigue, but they want to do they best for this DVD. It's that shelled the two main shows mentioned (With two hearings that are ground into each pit, circle pits, etc...), the band sound like never before (declare that no overdubs ...). Regarding the band noticed that Pat O'Brien increasingly outweighs the guitarist who replaced in 1997 and again in 2005: Rob Barrett. Pat is a riff machine and catch much solos, maybe than ever, and Rob seems to be more limited to making rhythm guitars exclusively. The other musicians are ultra tight, synchronized, and better than ever, and some shots of European shows are included, where one could confirm this again.
There are great shots like their stay in Malta, a tour of a historic former prison, where the band played - I think - in one of the entries or laterals. Also are included beautiful shots of Italy, Turkey and Israel, with the musicians - despite the fatigue - very interested in seeing the beautiful scenery, good blue ocean, and the architecture of each site.
"Global Evisceration" in that sense is a heavyweight no doubt about it, and have things that we never saw in other DVDs, they are still giving a lot of importance to they relationship with their fans.
There are bonus of all colors, and takes of festival dates shared with other bands, death metal friends appears chatting with the guys, also members of Megadeth and Exodus. One of the highlights of this work is that in a festival on this tour included playing just before and after Six Feet Under Cannibal. Corpse Alex Webster, Rob Barrett and Paul Mazurkiewicz are sent with camera and all to greet his former teammate Chris Barnes (in a very cool way), which returned the greetings are very sparingly and maybe "surprised", leaving some doubt whether among them was every bit as good as it seemed to show the documentary "Centuries Of Torment".
The DVD ends with messages from fans of the European countries visited for the first time.
These guys are here to stay, while a succession of loans out the dates of the 40 countries (Argentina included, were in February last year, before starting the European wing that focuses on the DVD) and five continents visited between 2009 and 2010.
Do not miss this DVD whether or not fans of cannibals.
Rate: 10/10
El quinteto de Buffalo siempre lanza DVDs de calidad así que compré de una este apenas me enteré. Básicamente en esta ocasión tenemos una mezcla entre dos recitales en vivo de esa gira (Uno en el Gothic Theater, Englewood, Colorado, y el otro en The Sunshine Theater, Alburquerque, Nuevo Mejico) mezclados con la última parte de la gira europea del 2010 la cual tuvo su peculiaridad: la inclusión de países en donde la banda nunca había estado, caso de Malta, Turquía por mencionar dos. Lejos está esto de ser un choreo al “Flight 666” de Iron Maiden, aunque hay muchas tomas de los músicos arriba de los aviones que los llevan de un lugar a otro del viejo continente. En eso le gana por goleada a la película de Sam Dunn ya que un 70% de las tomas están hechas por los mismos músicos con cámaras ayudados por el tour manager más sus propios plomos y la sensación de realismo es inigualable. Podés ver a Alex Webster durmiéndose del agotamiento mientras espera embarcar un vuelo, a Pat O’Brien tirado en el piso antes de una prueba de sonido reponiendo descanso… se muestra con éxito lo AGOTADOR que es encarar una gira así, a saber, avión, hoteles, pruebas de sonido, algún rato de ocio, show, y así sucesivamente con la agenda muy ajustada lo cual es narrado por los músicos sin fastidio y asumiendo que es el costo de enfrentar giras tan agotadoras. De hecho en ciertos momentos las caras de los cinco músicos evidencian una fatiga tremenda pero le ponen ganas a todo. Así de desgranan los dos shows principales ya mencionados (Con dos audiencias que se muelen en cada pogo, circle pit y demases), y la banda SONANDO COMO NUNCA SONÓ (Declaran que no hubo sobregrabaciones…). Respecto a la banda noto que Pat O’Brien cada vez más tiene más peso que el guitarrista que reemplazó en 1997 y volvió en el 2005: Rob Barrett. Pat es una maquina de meter sólos y Rob está más limitado a hacer violas rítmicas. Los demás están recontraajustados, sincronizados, y mejor que nunca, y se añaden fragmentos de los shows europeos en donde uno ratifica todo esto.
Hay tomas excelentes, como la estadía en Malta, la recorrida de una ex prisión histórica, en donde la banda tocó – creo – en una de las entradas. Hermosas tomas de Italia, Turquía e Israel, con los músicos – pese al cansancio – muy interesados en ver los hermosos paisajes, el océano bien azul, y la arquitectura de cada lugar. “Global Evisceration” en eso gana, tiene cosas que nunca vimos en otros DVD, y siguen dándole mucha bola a sus fans. Hay bonuses de todos los colores y al compartir fechas de festivales con otros músicos aparecen amigos deathmetaleros como integrantes de Megadeth y Exodus. Uno de los puntos altos de este trabajo es que en un festival incluído en este tour justo tocaba antes Six Feet Under y luego Cannibal. Corpse Alex Webster, Rob Barrett y Paul Mazurkiewicz se mandan con cámara y todo a saludarlo a su ex compañero Chris Barnes (Con muy buena onda), el cual les devuelve los saludos bastante parcamente y acaso "sorprendido", lo cual deja cierta duda si entre ellos estaba todo tan bien como parecía mostrar el documental “Centuries Of Torment”. El DVD se cierra con mensajes de los fans de los países europeos que visitaron por primera vez. Estos tipos tienen cuerda para rato, mientras se suceden los créditos salen las fechas de los 40 países (Argentina incluída, estuvieron en Febrero del año pasado, antes de arrancar el ala europea en la que se centra el DVD) y cinco continentes que visitaron entre el 2009 y 2010. No se pierdan este DVD sean o no fans de los caníbales.
Calificación: 10/10
The Buffalo quintet always releases excellent DVDs, so I bought one as soon as I heard about it. Basically this time we have a mixture of two live performances from that tour (one at the Gothic Theater, Englewood, Colorado, and the other at The Sunshine Theater, Albuquerque, New Mexico) mixed with the last part of the European tour, 2010 which had its peculiarities: the inclusion of countries where the band had never been before like Malta, Turkey to name two. Far be it from a robbery to "Flight 666" by Iron Maiden, there are many shots of the musicians during flights that carried them from one place to another in the old continent. In that sense, they win tremendously to Sam Dunn film, as 70% of the shots are made by the same musicians with cameras, helped by the tour manager plus their own leads and a sense of realism is unmatched.
You can see Alex Webster asleep from exhaustion while waiting to board a flight, Pat O'Brien lying on the floor resting before a sound check break ... it is showed successfully how tiring it is to address a tour as well, travels, hotels, sound checks, some leisure time, shows, and so on with the tight schedule which is narrated by the musicians without hassle and assuming that the cost of dealing with such a grueling tour.
In fact, at times the faces of the five musicians show a tremendous fatigue, but they want to do they best for this DVD. It's that shelled the two main shows mentioned (With two hearings that are ground into each pit, circle pits, etc...), the band sound like never before (declare that no overdubs ...). Regarding the band noticed that Pat O'Brien increasingly outweighs the guitarist who replaced in 1997 and again in 2005: Rob Barrett. Pat is a riff machine and catch much solos, maybe than ever, and Rob seems to be more limited to making rhythm guitars exclusively. The other musicians are ultra tight, synchronized, and better than ever, and some shots of European shows are included, where one could confirm this again.
There are great shots like their stay in Malta, a tour of a historic former prison, where the band played - I think - in one of the entries or laterals. Also are included beautiful shots of Italy, Turkey and Israel, with the musicians - despite the fatigue - very interested in seeing the beautiful scenery, good blue ocean, and the architecture of each site.
"Global Evisceration" in that sense is a heavyweight no doubt about it, and have things that we never saw in other DVDs, they are still giving a lot of importance to they relationship with their fans.
There are bonus of all colors, and takes of festival dates shared with other bands, death metal friends appears chatting with the guys, also members of Megadeth and Exodus. One of the highlights of this work is that in a festival on this tour included playing just before and after Six Feet Under Cannibal. Corpse Alex Webster, Rob Barrett and Paul Mazurkiewicz are sent with camera and all to greet his former teammate Chris Barnes (in a very cool way), which returned the greetings are very sparingly and maybe "surprised", leaving some doubt whether among them was every bit as good as it seemed to show the documentary "Centuries Of Torment".
The DVD ends with messages from fans of the European countries visited for the first time.
These guys are here to stay, while a succession of loans out the dates of the 40 countries (Argentina included, were in February last year, before starting the European wing that focuses on the DVD) and five continents visited between 2009 and 2010.
Do not miss this DVD whether or not fans of cannibals.
Rate: 10/10